Monday, June 4, 2012

final project

In this photo you see 3 different person on three different level which shows depth on the picture. The overall feeling of the photo is very mysterious because everyone on the photo is turned around. Also the shadows of the photo gives it that creepy feeling which was I was going for. Also since the height of each person from left to right is decreasing, it helps the overall composition of the photo. I think the photo is successful because it conveys a very mysterious feeling which what i was going for.

Album cover

 In this photo you see Zach and Louie on a playground with a very 70's like color scheme. This give it that Beastie boys feeling. The way they are posed gives is that urban feeling also. The structure of the slide is very successful because it helps with the overall feeling of the whole thing. Also zach and louie was matching so they compliment each other. I think the photo is very successful because of just the overall composition and the letters of the album is very well placed.

Friday, April 27, 2012

5 facts about photo

1. The first person who managed to make a "photographic" snapshot constant, that is to fix the image was Joseph Niepce. The very first snapshot in the history of photography is considered "view from the window," dated 1826. The exposure of the shot lasted 8 (!) Hours.
2. The first person who invented negative was Fox Talbot. This event occurred in 1839. In the same year Hippolyte Bayard presented the first positive print to the world.
3. The first "photographic paper" was made ​​of asphalt. More precisely, asphalt varnish was applied on the copper or the glass plate.
4. Camera Obscura, which became the prototype of the modern camera, is used up to this day for the production of integrated circuits and as a special film camera.
5. The first color photograph was taken in 1861 by James Maxwell, the British physicist. 


In this photo you see a backpack on top of a trash can. This symbolizes that sometimes education is being thrown away. I think the photo is successful because it conveys are really good message. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012


This image you see a feet next to a leg but with hands for a foot. The idea of the project was to be aberrant which means out of the ordinary and seeing a hand for a foot is pretty out of the ordinary. I think this photo is successful because the black and white effect helps with the contrast of the overall image. The pair of legs help portray the difference of having feet and having hands so its very successful.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bee's vision (period6)

The idea of this project is to see something in another creatures point of view and i used a bee. Most people think that bee's sees in a hexagon with similar vision on each hexagon but a bee's actual vision is hexagon of the whole thing. This is a picture of a flower with a close up. I used a flower because you usually see a bee on a flower for nectar. The flower is very bright which helps to show is texture. I think the photo is very successful because i did what was asked for and the photo shows the vision of a bee.

SHOE head (period6)

The main idea of this project is to have someone with another object as a head and in this photo I used someone with a shoe for a head. In this photo, it focuses on the shoe because of the vibrant red and the rest of the photo is very neutral. Also the proportion of the photo also helps because it fits as the head of the actual figure. There is also the element of design with the background with the lines going through. What I'm trying to portray is the term "shoehead." which means someone who likes to collect sneakers which this photo portrays. The photo is successful but i feel like i should have made the person and the person more blurry to focus more on the shoe but all in all the photo turned out successful.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Elements of ∂esign (period4)

In this photo we put a colleague of different clothing on top of a person to show the different elements of design. First of all there is lie which is shown in the mid section of the body. There is a shirt with plaid which shows the rhythm effect of lines. The second element of design is shape which is shown on the leg of the picture. The shape is very well shown because the outlines of the leg. If the leg wasn't part of the collage, you'll be able to tell its a leg because of the shape. Next is value. value is the difference of black and white in different shading and that is shown in the background. there is some really dark areas and a really bright areas. Color in this picture is shown on the right side of the picture because of the multiple colors on the hood. it is very vibrant because of the bright colors which makes it pop. space is also very shown well because of the distance between the background and the actual figure of the person. this creates dimension on the picture. last is texture which is shown on the grass area. you can feel the grass because of the actual texture of the grass.
This picture is organized with a colleague on top of a original photo. what we were trying to portray is that elements of design can be easily shown by the human figure and clothing. I feel we did a pretty good job by portraying the elements of design because we touched on every element and we conveyed it in a really good way.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nike Janoski's advertising (period6)

In this photo you see an advertising of the nike Janoski's. The image of the shoe is in focus but the background is very blurry focusing on the shoe. This image is abstract because the color of the background has been altered but the shoe still has the original color. This shoe is made for skating so the color selection gives it that authentic look that nike provides with their merchandises. The image is in the dark but vibrant tone which in this case compliments each other. This image is taken outdoors because if it was taken indoors it wouldn't have the same effect but taking it outdoors make it very successful. In my opinion this image is very successful because the shoe is very well focused on which is the intention of every adverstisement.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

White board background (period4)

In this picture, you can see the model in a very sad position. His facial expression shows a very depressed mood and the black and white also helps with that mood. He is against the wall showing his back so its like the world has turned its back on him. Around the area of his face is very light so it sort of shows a kind of "hope." The message of this story is that it shows at every problem there is a ray of sunshine anywhere. I think the image is a little bit successful because there is some little dust in the image during the developing but there is good value in the image so it's still successful.